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The value of a Vector logo boils down to two parts: flexibility and scalability. Vector logos are flexible because they can be output to just about any common Raster image format (jpg, png, gif, tiff, etc.). Vector logos are also scalable in size allowing them to be enlarged to fit the side of a blimp...
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Business Cards
Believe it or not a Business cards can still serve a valuable purpose for your business, but there are now numerous digital alternatives to keeping track of your contacts and displaying your personal / companies information.  Many business professionals have created accounts online, places such as LinkedIn, needless to say, a simple card could never...
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About iD8

We Ideate, Innovate and then Integrate digital products. With our innovative thinking we create stunning and inspiring creative digital solutions that assist our clients in reaching their goals and objectives that define their brand which unlocks the full potential of their digital aspirations.